Saturday, July 4, 2009

General Convention, Here We Come!

Laura and I are busy packing for our trip to Anaheim and General Convention. Since we will then be taking some vacation time afterwards, the car is getting pretty full!

I've imported my column in E-pistles for this week describing who will be blogging from convention. You can find that information right below this entry.

My plan is to post a short (1 minute) video every evening, beginning tomorrow, July 5.As I did at Lambeth, these postings will be an attempt to capture some of the spirit of the meetings and the human interest side of the events. I will also try to share my impressions of the work being done, although you can probably get more insightful analysis from other sources.

The plan is to attend the early cathedral service tomorrow morning and then hit the road, hoping to get to Anaheim by about dinner time.

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